My husband and I, who have loved you since the Vermeer in Bosnia and Everything that Rises days, were wondering tonight what you'd have to say about Gaza and it all. I'm so glad we found your Substack to subscribe to. Thank you for this piece and the most recent one. You put things together in such a deep and enlightening way. The boodstained lyrics to The Song of Peace, found folded in Rabin’s pocket after the assassination did me in.

"what the people of the Balkans generally, and the Serbs in particular, really needed was a transition from the epic to the tragic, from the Homeric to the Sophoclean: Oedipus, the evidence of his own tortuously tangled complicities staring him full in the face the entire time, and yet he just can't see, he can't see, he can't see, until finally, in a great purging moment of cathartic revelation, the scales fall from his eyes and he does see. He sees, he acknowledges, and somehow he goes on."

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